Tree Care: An Introductory Guide
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Tree Care: An Introductory Guide

Palm trees are one of the most decorative and unique trees that you'll find in the warmer, more tropical climates. When properly cared for, these trees can be beautiful and full of foliage. However, knowing how to care for them isn't always easy. That's probably why you're here. If it is, then you're in the right place. This site is dedicated to the care and maintenance of all sorts of trees, including tropical varieties like palm trees. The information on this page can help you to understand which of the basic care steps you can do yourself and which steps are best done by a local tree service.

Tree Care: An Introductory Guide

Ways Your Tree's Pruning Needs Can Change Over Its Lifespan

Same Peterson

If you've been living in the same home for a number of years, you've likely been able to watch your trees mature somewhat (this process is especially visible with younger trees, which can seem to grown quite quickly once they're established). You may be wondering if your trees will need more or less pruning now that they're older, and whether their pruning needs will change much as they finish maturing. 

Here are a few ways that a tree's pruning needs can change over its lifespan.

Trees start needing regular pruning early on

The first time your tree will need pruning is when you plant it. This pruning will be a simple removal of any damaged and dead branches, however. After that, the tree's pruning needs will be practically nonexistent until a couple of years down the line once it's starting to get established, which is when you'll need to start regular structural pruning.

Trees start needing specialized pruning when bearing fruit or flowers

As a tree gets a big bigger, it will start putting out flowers and eventually fruit or nuts (if applicable to the type of tree). Once this happens, you'll want to ensure that pruning occurs in a timely fashion and regular schedule to help encourage production of these features. Your tree pruning expert can help you determine the best pruning schedule and timing.

Trees may need more dead branch removal as they grow older and thicker

As trees develop a large, dense crown, some of the lowest branches may get less and less light, meaning they can't photosynthesize very much. The tree may allow these branches to die off (called self-pruning) in favor of developing more growth in spots that can catch the light more efficiently. 

Once these branches die off, they'll need to be removed safely to avoid any hazards associated with falling branches.

Trees may need size reduction pruning as they mature

As your tree starts to mature into its final form, you may find that it starts to get even bigger than you'd expected. In some cases, this can be a real problem if the tree gets too close to a power line or structure. So as your tree matures, keep an eye out for these types of issues and discuss size reduction pruning with your tree services expert if necessary.

Trees may require more disease-related pruning in their final decades

A tree that's in the final decades or years of its life may require more pruning to remove dead or damaged wood. This can be especially the case if it's a fast-growing, short-lived tree whose wood is brittle and easily damaged. However, many tree diseases and other tree stressors move slowly, and your tree may seem to accumulate more of them as it grows older, leading to a need for more disease-related pruning.

These are some examples of how a tree's pruning needs may differ based on its stage in life. Contact a local tree pruning expert to learn more.
